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This image look familiar?? A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about the Full Screen Grid View and the updates that came to it. Peep it here.
Now, that same view can be extended to guests that you invite into your Spot office!
It will help shorten the learning curve of the boring tools (ahem, rhymes with Vroom) that people are sick of using, and your decked out Spot Office!
How easy is this? It's literally one click!!
Whether you're inviting guests to swing by your office, or setting up an event, look for 'Start in grid view' and smash that checkbox.
Now, when your guests enter join, they'll be greeted with the tile view of videos, pictures, or screen shares that will help you kick off the meeting quickly!
👇 👇 👇 (Here's Graham and I comparing Spotify playlists...
please don't judge my music selections
)👇 👇 👇
Screen Shot 2022-03-02 at 9
WHOOO! Tile View!!
As always, feel free to send me any feedback!